Our Mission:
Professional event healthcare supporting charities worldwide
Our Vision:
Best possible medical care at UK events and health-related charities making a difference around the world
Regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for Ambulance & Imaging Activities
A regulated training organisation accredited by QualSafe to deliver OfQual regulated awards
FMS provides a range of sophisticated services at many events around the UK and our health professionals include:
Doctors (including specialists in Emergency Medicine)
Nurses and nurse practitioners
Paramedics and First Responders
Imaging Services (x-ray and ultrasound)
Pharmacy services
Dental services
Mental health and wellbeing services
Safeguarding team
Command and control
FMS began at the Glastonbury Festival in 1979, where it has been the sole medical provider ever since. In 1998 FMS was registered with the Charity Commission.
We are now recognised as a provider of high-quality professional event medical services at large and small events, and we are amongst the most respected in the industry. You can review the following supporting documents:
Charity No: 1124695
Incorporated Company: 6265957
CQC Regulated for Ambulance & Imaging Activity
OffQual accredited training organisation; registration number 0905521
Licensed by Ofcom: BR0006016