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First Responder:

The FMS Responder team has volunteers at all the events that FMS provides medical services for, volunteering in a variety of roles – the FMS responder team can be deployed;


  • Patrolling the event site, responding to calls for assistance via the FMS communications team and members of the public (this is the team’s primary role at events)

  • As part of the Cycle Response Team (where appropriate)

  • Volunteering with other members of the First Responder Team

  • Assisting at the medical facility, minor injury units and walk-in-centres around the events

  • Volunteering with the FMS Ambulance team




The minimum requirement to join the team is an accredited L3 First Aid at work QCF award working towards a First Response Emergency Care Qualification (FREC L3) or First Person on Scene Qualification (FPOSi). Members are able to apply for FREC training provided by the FMS training department at a subsided cost after joining and volunteering at events. Members who join the team with a L3 First Aid at Work qualification only will work alongside existing members of FMS on a probationary period until an additional training course is completed.The minimum age to volunteer with the team is 18yrs. Applicants will be expected to complete and enhanced disclosure and barring service (DBS) application, which is provided free by FMS as a registered charity. Members are required to provide details of their qualifications annually.


The FMS Responder team receives a large number of applications each year, a number that increases year on year. The First Responder Team aims to respond to applicants in 4 weeks. Recruitment continues throughout the year although during the event season (May – September) it may take longer than 4 weeks to hear about your application.


To apply to join the Responder Team please click the button below. We are especially interested in hearing from you if you are FREC qualified or you are a registered Paramedic. For all applications, you will require proof of qualification, a photo (passport style) and a credit/debit card to pay the £25 non-refundable membership and application fee. 


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